Dapper Dan 09 is out featuring among others, interviews of Daniel Silver, Christophe Lemaire, Marc Ascoli and Milovan Farronato.
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Dapper Dan 09 is out featuring among others, interviews of Daniel Silver, Christophe Lemaire, Marc Ascoli and Milovan Farronato.
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Dapper Dan 08 is coming out soon featuring, among others, AA Bronson, Aldo Maria Camillo, Consuelo Castiglioni, Simon Costin, Maxine Doyle, Pat Murano and Herbert Huncke. More soon…
In Dapper Dan’s seventh issue, the legendary couturier Romeo Gigli emerges from self-imposed exile to share an intimate history of his roller-coaster career; the photographer Harry Peccinotti revisits the heady days around the founding of the iconic 1960s magazine Nova; Angelo Flaccavento peeks inside the personal archive of the pioneering tailoring and textiles master Nino Cerruti; and the Brazilian designer Paula Gerbase explores a utopian future with her new label 1205. We also open our ears to the abrasive, transcendent sounds of Michael Gira’s venerable art-porn-noise collective Swans and Scott Soriano’s underground punk and archival releases as S.S. Records; and our eyes to the existential angst of Aristomenis Theodoropoulos’ acrylics and the glacial beauty of Henning Bock’s landscapes.
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Dapper Dan 07 features among others, interviews with Romeo Gigli, photographer Harry Peccinotti and Swans leader Michael Gira. More soon.
If language, and its representational or coding function, makes up the world, or if, as Wittgenstein said beautifully in his Tractatus, ‘Reality is the shadow of grammar,’ what kind of world would we have if we spoke a language that allowed of little or no abstraction, generalization, descriptions of the past or the future? A view of reality that is ‘intensely and only immediate’ seems puzzling and impractical. Yet there are Amazon tribes, notably the Piraha, who speak of and view their experience in just this way. If a man goes around a bend in the river, no observations about him can obtain except for xibipio—he has gone out of experience.’ They use the same phrase when a candle flame flickers—the light ‘goes in and out of experience.’ Continue reading “Abstractless Codes: Non-generalised Speech and the Upending of Contemporary Linguistics”
In Dapper Dan’s fifth issue, the media theorist McKenzie Wark dissects the everyday life and glorious times of the Situationists; the visionary designer-turned-artist Helmut Lang talks about his past and future; Eric Isaacson, co-owner of the iconic label Mississippi Records, insists that “it’s still amateur hour round here”; the artist AA Bronson sits down with pirates, Indians, shamans, Nazis, demons and Joseph Beuys; We also visit the engimatic designer Junya Watanabe; the international street-collage gangster Michael Anderson; the charismatic front man Ben Wallers; the quintessential American in Milano, Edward Buchanan; While the writer Angelo Flaccavento muses on presence and absence; and the legendary fashion photographer Hans Feurer talks to Filep Motwary.
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Coming out February 27 in Paris and London, closely followed by the rest of the world, Dapper Dan magazine’s fifth issue features, among others, AA Bronson, Helmut Lang, McKenzie Wark, Ben Wallers and Junya Watanabe. More from our S/S 2012 issue soon.
In Dapper Dan’s fourth issue, Kris Van Assche outlines the modern man; Ann Demeulemeester proclaims freedom as the biggest luxury; Richard Wirick looks at the new face of superstition; Paolo Roversi finds new ways to tell his story; Robert Rabensteiner recounts tales of lavish adventure and elegant abandon; Philip Aarons confides in AA Bronson about his fascination with now-defunct artist’s publication Semina; Berlin-based typographer duo Jung and Wenig reveal their weird mental processes and the musician Piero Ilov wants to share his latest project with all the humans and the animals on earth.
Dapper Dan 04 is out now in Europe and will be available soon worldwide, at selected newsstands, galleries and fashion boutiques.